Tuesday 14 September 2010

Loo's new car and Molly's first dip.

Loo had enough of the Dolly, the Mazda and so it was off to the car showroom for a replacement. This is what she chose. It's going to have a pink respray first though!

Life at the Mount continues to be good. Molly is due to start school next week. She will have to do until the end of term in primary, but that is easy to take when you get to pop down to the beach for games!

I've been training on night-fill and stocktake for the last 7 nights so it is good to get out and about in between.
Yesterday we went for a stroll around the Mount and saw this rare Kumatakawupapamoaeikatata bird. No, I made that up, there isn't such a bird with that long a name, it's actually called a Kumatakawupapamoaeiki! No that was a lie, I have no idea what it is, but it looked cool!

Round on the Maunganui Beach side, the sun was still out.

Molly was overjoyed as it meant she could go onto the beach.

Luckily, Loo bought her wetsuit in her capacious Cath Kidston!

This meant that within seconds she was turned from mild mannered Molly to...........


...turning cartwheels.

Now all she needs is a surfboard for some credibility!

Watch out for the forthcoming remake of "BayWatch", featuring Molly Balding, with special guest stars, Kevin Baldihof and Loomela Balderson.

Watch out for those tight abs and bouncing bosom! (This will be after we abstain from alcohol for the next 12 months and visit the gym daily and have the surgery!)

Hope to speak to as many people as possible on UK Saturday evening.

Bye for now.

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